PRODUCTS 61 - 80 OF 259
Endless Webbing Sling
Working Load Limit Options
3000 mm | 118"
Weight Load Limit Options
1,000 kg | 2,204 lbs or 2,000 kg | 4,409 lbs or 3,000 kg | 6,614 lbs
Product code: CLS
AUD$ 0 0.0 AUD +GST
Webbing Sling With Side Protection
Weight Load Limit Options
3000 kg | 6614 lbs
Working Load Limit Options
3000 mm | 118"
Product code: D019066
AUD$ 214 AUD$ 214 214.0 AUD +GST
Ratchet Tie Downs
Ratchet Tie Down 1" or Ratchet Tie Down 2"
AUD$ 0 0.0 AUD +GST
Portable Gantry Crane AGC1000
Weight Load Limit Options
1,000 kg | 2,204 lbs
Working Load Limit Options
3800 mm | 150"
1510 mm | 59.5"
Height / Track Width Options
1900 mm | 74.8"
Product Weight
154 kg | 339 lbs
Extended Dimension
3100 mm | 122"
Product code: AGC1000
AUD$ 6,663 AUD$ 6,663 6663.0 AUD +GST
Counterbalance Cranes
Feature Options
AMCC Manual or APCC Powered or APCCL Powered With Lateral Movement
Product code: AMCC
AUD$ 0 0.0 AUD +GST
Light Load Cranes
Floor Mounted Jib Crane 4M 250 FMJC-4 (Length 4m / Height 4m / 200kg) or Floor Mounted Jib Crane 5M 250 FMJC-5 (Length 5m / Height 4m / 150kg) or Wall Mounted Jib Crane 3M 250 WMJC-3 (Length 3m / 250kg) or Wall Mounted Jib Crane 4M 250 WMJC-4 (Length 4m / 200kg) or Wall Mounted Jib Crane 5M 250 WMJC-5 (Length 5m / 150kg)
AUD$ 0 0.0 AUD +GST
Forklift Booms
Extension Options
Forklift Boom FB1-2720 (2724mm / 107") or Forklift Boom FB2-3580 (3580mm / 141") or Forklift Boom FB3-5380 (5380mm / 212") or Forklift Boom FB4-4800 (4800mm / 189")
AUD$ 0 0.0 AUD +GST
Low Profile Forklift Booms
Extension Options
Low Profile Forklift Boom FB2LP-3600 (3603mm / 141.9") or Low Profile Forklift Boom FB3LP-5420 (5410mm / 213")
AUD$ 0 0.0 AUD +GST
Double Forklift Boom DFB2/5000
Weight Load Limit Options
5000 kg | 11023 lb
Working Load Limit Options
3130 mm | 123.2"
Product Weight
657 kg | 1448 lbs
Extended Dimension
4830 mm | 190"
Fully Extended WLL
1500 kg | 3307 lbs
Product code: DFB25000
AUD$ 11,191 AUD$ 11,191 11191.0 AUD +GST
Pivot Forklift Booms
Extension Options
Pivot Forklift Boom PFB1-2600 (2600mm / 102.4") or Pivot Forklift Boom PFB2-3450 (3412mm / 134.3")
AUD$ 0 0.0 AUD +GST
Fork Extensions
Weight Load Limit Options
1,500 kg | 3,307 lbs
Length Options
Fork Extensions FES-1500 (1500mm / 59") or Fork Extensions FES-2000 (2000mm / 78.7") or Fork Extensions FES-2500 (2500mm / 98.4")
AUD$ 0 0.0 AUD +GST
Heavy Duty Fork Extensions
Weight Load Limit Options
2500 kg | 5511 lbs
Length Options
Heavy Duty Fork Extensions AFE-1500 (1500mm / 59") or Heavy Duty Fork Extensions AFE-2000 (2000mm / 78.7") or Heavy Duty Fork Extensions AFE-2500 (2500mm / 98.4")
AUD$ 0 0.0 AUD +GST
Glass Lifter
Product code: COMMODITY-159
AUD$ 0 0.0 AUD +GST
Fork Extensions Transporter FET01
Product Weight
10 kg | 22 lbs
Product code: FET01
AUD$ 237 AUD$ 237 237.0 AUD +GST
Twister MSS02
Weight Load Limit Options
1200 kg | 2646 lbs
Product Weight
31 kg | 68 lbs
Power Source
Product code: MSS02
AUD$ 4,309 AUD$ 4,309 4309.0 AUD +GST
Fork Hook Attachments
Weight Load Limit Options
Double Fork Hook Attachment FHADF2 (3000kg / 6614lb) or Single Fork Hook Attachment FHASF1 (1500kg / 3307lb)
AUD$ 0 0.0 AUD +GST
Collapsible Safety Cage ACSC
Weight Load Limit Options
250 kg | 551 lbs
Working Load Limit Options
1231 mm | 48.4"
1154 mm | 45.4"
Height / Track Width Options
2077 mm | 81.7"
Product Weight
155 kg | 342 lbs
Product code: ACSC
AUD$ 1,773 AUD$ 1,773 1773.0 AUD +GST
Bow Shackles
Weight Load Limit Options
Bow Shackle 1.3T or Bow Shackle 3T
AUD$ 7 AUD$ 7 7.0 AUD +GST
Scissor Clamp Lifter Short Chain & Shackle
Weight Load Limit Options
1500 kg | 3307 lb
Product Weight
1.5 kg | 3.3 lbs
Size Option
Scissor Clamp Lifter ASL105 or Scissor Clamp Lifter ASL125 or Scissor Clamp Lifter ASL200 or Scissor Clamp Lifter ASL300 or Scissor Clamp Lifter ASL450
Product code: SSC15T
AUD$ 0 0.0 AUD +GST
Combo Swivel-Chain-Lifting Lug 1.5T
Weight Load Limit Options
1500 kg | 3307 lb
Product Weight
1.47 kg | 3.2 lbs
Product code: SSC15T
AUD$ 138 AUD$ 138 138.0 AUD +GST